Summer Trends: Scrapping Metal

The latest trend to hit the city that has made many NC residents rich beyond their wildest dreams is scrapping. Scrapping involves digging through other residents’ trash or yard for anything metal, then taking it to a recycling center where they pay you tens of dollars per truck load.

A good haul for Mr. Longtape can bring in as much as $17.

A good haul can bring in as much as $17.

Jim Longtape, of Galewood, says he has a set of rules for his scrapping enterprise, “Sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s trash or someone’s actual furniture so I use the rule that if it’s not inside a house it’s definitely trash.” When Jim travels about town he is is always on the lookout for what could be his next five-dollar piece of scrap. “Gutter work is the hardest to get. Since its technically outside I consider it trash, but sometimes it’s screwed to the house and that can be a real bitch to rip off.” Jim claims to have made over $380 this year.

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